Working from home

By Andrew Vinell

By Andrew Vinell

image of a person working from home

Here at AVTR, we’re no strangers to working from home as we’ve always been a fully remote working company! In this unprecedented time, when we are all being asked to stay at home and work where possible, we thought it would be useful to share some of our top tips for working productively at home and how to keep healthy, both physically and mentally!

  1. Have a dedicated workspace, ideally in an area with plenty of natural light and set your laptop / desktop up in line with display screen regulations to avoid risks such as eye strain and backache.  For more guidance go to:
  2. Take regular breaks from your screen.  Make a cup of tea or stand, stretch and shake your legs.  Looking up, blinking and focusing on objects in the distance will help alleviate eye strain.  
  3. Many of us will be used to working in a busy office with lots of background noise.  Your home may be quieter (for those of us without children!) and this can often be just as distracting.  Ask Siri or Google to put on some background music, a podcast or put on the TV.  We find this often helps us to focus as well as keeps us up to date on the latest news, particularly important at the moment!
  4. Keep some structure, we are creatures of habit after all.  Although working from home offers a certain amount of flexibility, it’s good to start work at the same time each day.  Take breaks when you would normally take them and finish your work at the usual time each day.  It is very easy to get carried away and complete one extra task before finishing but remember to strike a careful balance between work and home life.  Your family and your mental health will thank you for this. 
  5. Hang up your suit and tie, put away your shoes and put something comfy on (not your pyjamas!).  Hey, you don’t even need to do your hair and make-up, although you may need to carefully consider what you look like before taking part in an online meeting. 
  6. Keep on track of your tasks.  There are many scheduling tools to help with this but at AVTR we love using Asana which is an online task-setter that gives you a burst of rainbows and a magical narwhal when you complete things (even better).
  7. Keep hydrated. Water is your friend.
  8. Don’t get lonely!  Your cat may well become your new colleague but it’s important to maintain human contact.  Set up a Skype or Zoom call with a co-worker for a chat or to discuss a task.  During this time of isolation, we are fortunate to have this form of communication.  A friendly, familiar face will always boost your spirits and help you to re-focus.
  9. When your work is done, celebrate by doing something that you would normally do when you get home. Change your clothes, go for a walk (ensuring you follow government guidelines!) or pour a nice big glass of wine (whatever works for you!).

Remember, you are in charge of your mental health at home, so if things start to get on top of you, stop, breathe, re-set and adjust.  Stay happy and healthy and enjoy your new working environment for however long this may last.

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